They grow up so fast. It seems like just yesterday when we watched 17 yr. old Ryan Vieth ply with alcohol and seduce one of his mother's hot co-stars. But Ryan is all grown up now, and the always outspoken elder son of former Real Housewives of Orange County star Tamra Judge has a lot on his mind. Most likely provoked by the current border crises facing our country at the southern border (and lack of leadership from a spineless and mentally incompetent President), the never ending bombardment and phony support for the domestic terrorist organization BLM, the left’s absurd denial of Antifa’s existence, Ryan felt compelled to get a few things off his chiseled chest, via his Instagram Stories.
Ryan has a litany of grievances, and predictably, he has once again offended the loons’ delicate sensibilities; however this time (perhaps for our added enjoyment), Ryan has managed to trigger several groups.
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