Bershan Shaw Snatches Eboni’s Apple!



Word on the crime filled NYC streets is that there has been another (season 4-like) Real Housewives of New York casting massacre for season 14 of the Real Housewives of New York City. Rumors of a shake-up have been circulating for months, ever since the season 13 reunion was canceled, reportedly due to (bogus) formal complaints of racism were lodged by Eboni K. Williams and an unnamed production assistant on the show. A contributing factor to the reunion’s cancellation was said to be due to the low ratings throughout season 13.


The ratings dive actually began the season before after Bethenny Frankel voluntarily left the show. Leah McSweeney was hired in her place, but almost immediately, it became painfully obvious that Leah was not resonating with the viewers. Gee, who knew that the fans would reject a crude and disrespectful 30-something with substance abuse issues? However, despite the fan’s rejection, Leah was able to hold onto her apple for another season.


By season 13, Dorinda Medley and Tinsley Mortimer were (finally) cut, and in Bravo’s continued campaign to mandate diversity, they then hired Eboni K. Williams, a blackish part time Fox News contributor from like 10 years ago. Right out of the gate, it became apparent that Eboni had an ax to grind, and one by one, she began schooling her cast mates (and us) on their “white privilege”. As a result, ratings dropped to an all time low; however, Williams insisted it was because the show failed to deliver good story lines and the “right kind of drama”. Others speculated that the loss of Dorinda and Tinsley had a negative effect as well.  Hmm, I think that's a bit of a stretch; I mean does anyone really miss Slurinda's drunk rages or Tinsley's sappy love life?  


Flash ahead to the present. RHONY is expected to return sometime in 2022, but rumors are swirling that only Ramona Singer and Sonja Morgan will be returning on a full time basis. Luann de Lesseps is rumored to have been demoted to “friend” status once again; however, the show’s Wikipedia page indicates that Lu has retained her status as a full time housewife. But gone (hopefully for good) are Leah and Eboni.


In their place(s) are Breshan Shaw, whom Ramona introduced us to last season, and two new housewives; June Ambrose, the creative director for Puma sportswear, and Lucia Hwong, a composer and an actor, with several credits to her name (at least according to her IMDb page).