Campfire Confessions




The fight between Taylor and Heather continues. You will recall that Heather is angry at Taylor because she was snooping around her IMDB page and making fun of her (lack of) acting career. But Taylor is not taking the fall by herself, and rightly so. She tells Heather that she doesn't want this to become a "thing" between them, and then references "Miss cowboy hat over there" (Tamra) as an accomplice, which of course she was. Heather tells Taylor, "Then talk to HER about it", to which Taylor replies "I will".


Tamra follows Heather into the bathroom, and Heather asks her point blank, if she was being rude about her IMDB page along with Taylor. Of course Tamra denies it, and of course the editors then roll the tape. In the real world, the seasoned Miss Oklahoma would have followed them into the john, but as we all know, production calls the shots. But suffice to say, Tamra will get hers ... she always does.


The next day Shannon, Tamra, and Taylor play on tractors, while Heather, Gina, and Jenn are assigned to horse trailer cleaning detail, which is just a nice way of saying "shoveling horse shit".  Yes, I can't tell you how many times while as a guest at a resort, they handed me a toilet bowl brush and told me to get to work.  Even more absurd was Heather and Gina just going along with it.  Ugh~. 


As Fancy pants and Gina are shoveling manure, Gina recalls that Tamra has taken shots at her and also at Emily, so now maybe she’s coming for Heather.  Yes Gina, thank you for weighing in; we've already taken the liberty to pack your things ... you can pick up your final check at the office  Heather then promptly relays this info to Tamra, then suggests that she bring it up at the cookout later that evening.



When Tamra confronts Gina, she explains that she was only being a good friend to Heather, and yes, you can believe they're going to roll the tape.   We see Tamra and Taylor going through her Heather's IMDb page with a level of scorn and ridicule that we all know Fancy Pants has been guilty  of herself.  But Tamra weasels out of the whole conversation by shifting the attention to Ryan's fuckboy-itus ... but wait, we interrupt your regularly scheduled recap to insert an Emily Simpson scene into this week's episode (a contract is a contract).  Emily’s daughter Annabelle has been accepted into L.A.'s A.C.M.E Modeling Agency.  


Back to Tamra and Jenn.  You may recall Tamra has told the group that when Ryan first signed on to Cut Fitness, some gym rat named Heeather told Tamra that Ryan said, "I'm going to bonk that girl over there" (but he didn't say "bonk").  In case you're wondering; by "girl", he was referring to 50 yr. old mattress, Tamra Judge.  Tamra was also telling Heather and Shannon that Jenn told her that Ryan cheated on her. Heather says that it happened during a "Ross & Rachel break", so Jenn wasn’t upset. Tamra responds, “Bitch, I answered those phone calls ... she was pissed!” 


Heather says, “Once a cheater, always a cheater", which I tend to agree with, but every situation is different.  I've cheated and been cheated on, and it usually has nothing to do with your existing relationship.  I simply did it because I could, and it meant nothing.  However, I am the first to admit that I'm not so cavelier about it when the shoe is on the other foot.  Funny thing about cheating; the aging process has a funny way of dealing with it.


Tamra really can't be bothered with Gina, so she turns her attention to Jenn.   Tamra knows she has some 'splaining to, but she knows she's been busted, so she just blurts out what Ryan said.  “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”. Jenn asks.  Tamra solemnly replies, "Because it's gross, and I didn't want Eddie to know."  Forget the fact that there has been ample opportunity to talk to her, like when cameras weren’t around. They’ve even been on vacations together (with Ryan) for God's sake. 


Realizing that the scene was just stolen from her, Gina starts pouring on the faux rage.  All this talk of infidelity and adultery is triggering her, and she just can't be around a woman who cheats.  Making matters worse, she was  beginning to warm up to Jenn.  I'm not sure why, but Jenn feels like she has to explain herself to this GIna, but she does, telling the ditz that she was in love with Ryan and got a gift from him after the opening of her business and that’s when she told her husband it was over, but swears she was never his shack up honey before that.  In fact, they didn't even hold hands until she officially left Will (her husband).  Jenn tells Gina, “It’s not my job to make you feel good about it.".  It is a great line that Dr. Laura would surely be proud of, but I'm calling bullshit ... I think Tamra knows some shit, and can't stand the fact that HER housewife in training is not being her authentic self.


But Gina isn't having it, so she puts on her Stetson, jumps on her high horse, and leaves the camp.  But I'm saying, grow the fuck up ... if a new Housewife joined the show who had who had a kid who was killed by a drunk driver, would she get away with saying, “I can never sit in the room with Gina because she had a DUI”?  Of course not. 


Heather follows Gina and sees her calling Travis, and just as he answers, Heather grabs the phone and tells Travis that Gina will call him back.  Fancy Pants actually makes sense when she advises Gina that it's probabky a bad idea to expect a new boyfriend to help you get over the old one.   She's right when she tells Gina; "This isn’t a Jenn problem, this is a Gina problem."  It' a travesty that 7 Year Stitch only survived one season.  I know this, because I checked Heather's IMDb.