So You Say



Sutton's housewarming luncheon continues, and Garcelle finally confronts Erika about her deplorable behavior towards Garcelle' sons at her 55th birthday party ... in front of the entire group.  You will recall that in last week's episode, Kunty propositioned Garcelle's 30 yr. old son, Oliver, and then cursed at one of her 14 yr. old twins, Jax.   But  because Erika was tipped off by Crystal, she came prepared, and immediately disarms Garcelle; first by apologizing for her behavior,  and then by complimenting Garcelle on how polite and personable her boys are.  Garcelle knew that Erika shut her down, so she then starts to question chastise her on her drinking, especially while taking benzos. 


Erika receives the conversation surprisingly well and tries to explain to Dr. Boovay that she's got it under control, but when Kyle simply reacts with a simple facial reaction, Garcelle jumps on Kyle and says "What is that face all about?". Kyle responds, “I’ve known Erika for seven years, and I never once have I seen her lose her composure one time,” insinuating she should cut Erika some slack.  I'm with Kyle on this one, because first of all, Garcelle has not been around Erika that long, and secondly, her concern for Erika's well being is about as genuine as Sutton's concern for Dijana. 


This triggers Garcelle, and she says "See Kyle, this is what I mean by jumping ship", referring to the last episode when Kyle inserted herself into Sutton and Diana’s fight, and ended up taking Dijana's side.  I must say, I am beginning to wonder if there is not a wrong side of history that Kyle doesn’t love.  Like what's next ... is Kyle + Shahida going to start selling purses made from baby camels at their Desert Palm boutique?  But on the flipside, I don't think Garcelle is using the right terminology.  What she means to say is Kyle is boarding a ship that she has no business boarding, meaning she is constantly trying to mitigate everyone’s feelings and decide what is worthy of debate.  Of course Garcelle is no one to talk, because isn't she the one who called out Crystal on her bullshit over being “violated” by Sutton and then really let her have it when she used the word “dark” to describe something Sutton (never) said to her?  Will Smith's ex, Sheree, interjects and tells Kyle, “In this moment, she just needs you to be neutral.”  In other words, shut up Kyle ... this doesn't involve you.


Sheree then strikes again when she is out to lunch with Kyle and Garcelle, and Erika’s drinking comes up again. Erika says she has new medication that doesn’t mix well with alcohol. Kyle says she is happy Erika is letting her extensions down and being more vulnerable with the women.  Garcelle responds, “Aren’t you afraid it’s going to lead to an alcoholism?", which as a self-described wordsmith  throws me, because I've never heard of alcoholism used as an adjective before. To back up her claim and along with the help of production footage, Garcelle then uses Kunty's getting lit on the boat and her behavior at her birthday party as warning signs of alcoholsim. Sheree then steps in noting that Erika’s behavior towards Garcelle’s son, “does not speak to a person who is in control.” ... bitch(es) please.



In an orchestrated effort for us to get to know Diana, she is allotted three different scenes in this episode, but none of them work.  In fact, the more I see of her, the less invested in her I become.  First we see her at sterile and lifeless-looking home with her child fiance', Asher, her cocky-as-F son, Innis, and his swirly-looking girlfriend whose ethnicity is anyone's guess.  Between this and a stupid Hanukkah scene with the fake Jewmansky's, I don't even recognize RHOBH these days ... it's like I sat on the TV remote and accidentally switched the channel to one of those stupid 90-day shows.  As a means for us to get to know them,  Asher feeds Diana various lines, in the form of questions that he already knows the answers to.  Again, we have to hear about fucking war-torn Bosnia. 



Later, we see Diana at home again, this time with Erika, helping her to decide what part of her million dollar wardrobe she wants to donate to charity (as the hundredth photo of she and Elton John flashes on the screen). During the process, Kunty herself humbly accepts whatever frocks Diana wants to throw her way, but then in a bitchy talking head, tells us "I can still afford to buy my own clothes". 


In the meantime, we see Garcelle sneaker shopping with her boys.  They wonder into a Nike footware store where the shoes range from $300 - $9500 a pair.  Undoubtedly knowing that WE know she's the poorest bitch on the show, Garcelle wisely humbles herself by telling Kid 'N Play that the budget for this little outting is $500. To Jaid's credit, he says we wasn't even planning on spending that.  Personally, I wouldn't even purchase shoe strings from a dirtbag liberal company like Nike, unless I could hang Colin Kappernick by his nuts with them. 


In the final scene, Diana and Sutton meet for lunch.  I forgot to mention that at her housewarming luncheon, the other ladies told Sutton that she and Diana are still not "there".  So they meet at some Italian eatery, and you can tell from the way both of them are dressed (down), that they're there to rumble.  After an icy cold greeting, Diana breaks the ice with an even icier, “What are we doing?”.  Sutton then responds in that "Sutton sassy Southern" way, "Well, we are here to have lunch and to come to an understanding".  She then immediately brings up what she feels put she and Diana on the wrong path from the start, that is Diana saying that Sutton is "clumsy with her words".  When Sutton asks for clarification (basically a retraction), Diana sarcastically changes her mind, telling Sutton that she's not clumsy in her words, and knows exactly what she's saying. 



It's becomes very apparent that there will be no resolution at this lunch; in fact, round two is about to ensue.  They start rehashing what Diana felt was Sutton's disingenuous concern about her miscarriage, as Sutton tries to convince her that she is a genuine caring person.  But again, Diana tells her that she's not buying it, adding that she thinks she needs professional help in communicating with Sutton.  Sutton is completely taken aback and asks why Diana agreed to a hug if she was still so pissed off.  Diana tells her that it was the most awkward and uncomfortable hug of her life, which Sutton responds "So YOU were being fake?".  They then go back and forth becoming more aggressive until Sutton finally concludes that there will be no resolution here and excuses herself.  Just like her initial fight with Sutton, Diana clearly has no interest in participating, let alone making up with Sutton.  She is never going to apologize and is never going to forgive. She will simply eat her truffle pizza and just continue fucking with Sutton's head because she decided that she really hates this bitch. 



As a viewer, I don't really know where there is to go with this one, but one thing is for sure; RHOBH has found its new villian and this Bosnian babe is bonkers!