Paul Kemsley Goes to War with Podcaster



Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Dorit Kemsley’s husband, Paul "PK" Kemsley, has about had it with the naysayers questioning the authenticity of last week's alleged home invasion in Encino.  PK sent an angry DM to bitchy podcaster, David Yontef, host of the Behind the Velvet Rope.


Yontef claims that Kemsley sent him a message after dishing with Dana ($25,000 sunglasses) Wilkey on his podcast.  “Apparently Mr. Kemsley heard my chat with Dana,” Yontef said in the latest episode. “And Mr. Kemsley was not pleased when he DM’d me. He said like, ‘Hey, you schmock.’ I don’t know if that was a typo or if in Europe they say schmock instead of schmuck. ‘Hey, you schmock stop talking about me and my family.’ And then I think he said, like ‘what you do for a living is like bottom-feeding scum’ or something. Of course, I screenshotted everything.”.


“I was like, first of all, is that a threat?  I mean, I’m just asking. I’m asking also because I’m a lawyer.”, said Yontef.  Really queen?  He then added, “You don’t scare me. I mean financially you can come after me. I mean, I’m OK I can come back after you.” Yontef noted that he has a platform through his podcast. “People listen, lots of people listen,” he said. “I can take these DMs and do anything I want with them. Just FYI, not threatening you.”.  Damn, is this bitch hung on the word "threaten" or what?


Yontef then addressed PK Kemsley from RHOBH directly. “You were part of one show for an hour,” he said referring to the episode. “And here are all the other guests that I had on. Like don’t flatter yourself. I don’t care about you. I do not care about your family.” Yontef said there are other podcasters who actually do talk about the Kemsley family in detail. “So you actually have fish to fry,” Yontef said about the other podcasters. But “I am not one of them.”. He added, “So … f**k you.”.  Oh!~ Girl is triggered!


“And then the dots were there for hours,” Yontef said reflecting on the text exchange and waiting for Kemsley to respond. “The three dots. And it’s like, were you like drunk or was Dorit like don’t respond again! And then I talked to my mutual friends from high school. I’m connected to Dorit through these two sisters. My best friend and her best friend are sisters. But she hasn’t talked to Dorit in forever.” Yontef said he called his friend in case the Kemsleys dragged them into it. Adding that he wasn’t going to back down.


But let's back it up for a moment.  Most recently, One season wonder Wilkey was blamed for the robbery at Kemsley’s home. Only days before the robbery, Wilkey shared a public document on her Instagram of the Kemsley home. Her now-deleted post (via Page Six) showed an official record along with the caption, “Guess why I’m posting this?” 


PK went after Wilkey after his wife was robbed at gunpoint, but his comments were erased along with the deleted post. But he wrote, “This is a statutory document that’s required by law and simply provides basic information about an LLC …”.


He added, “Because you have attempted to hurt my family’s reputation in a sad attempt to garner more attention I’m delighted to award you C..T of the week.”.  No arguments there.


In another incident, PK responded (on Insta) to a particularly nasty tweet.  Personally speaking,  while I understand the urge, I'm not sure it's a good idea to engage, because all it does is increase the number of "followers".



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