Delilah Belle Hamlin Discusses Health Scare


Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, Lisa Rinna, is addressing the impact of her daughter’s recent health scare, and by health scare, I mean accidental overdose. Lisa posted on her Instagram Stories, “Thank you to all of the angels who have reached out, sharing their stories, sending their love and prayers, we are so grateful to you all for your help and your guidance!!”. Lisa Rinna, 58, and Harry Hamlin, 70, share super model daughters, Delilah Belle 23, and Amelia Gray, 23.


On Tuesday, Delilah posted a 30 minute video, explaining in detail what happened. “Basically, in the beginning of the year, I want to say February and March, is when I got my COVID-19 vaccine, and after the second vaccine, I was sick for, like, 36 hours. I felt like my bones were breaking but, like, whatever … that’s when everything kind of started. Repeatedly clarifying that she was not "anti-vaccine”, she detailed how the second dose “flared up and triggered certain autoimmune diseases” that she wasn’t even aware she had. “I started getting really sick, I started feeling like I had the flu. I was getting migraines, I was having panic attacks — it was like my body was in constant ‘fight or flight’ mode. It was horrible,” she said at the time. “I just knew in my gut that there was something else wrong.”.


After attempting to seek treatment for her panic attacks with a psychiatrist, Delilah revealed that she was over-prescribed and told to take 3 milligrams of Xanax a day. “My body got dependent on Xanax number one, and number two, I overdosed. I didn’t mean to at all. I overdosed on this one medication called Propranolol.”.


Here’s where it gets interesting. Delilah then shared during the video. “I took Benadryl with it and, for some reason, I ended up in the hospital.”. “For some reason?” … even I know you don’t take my little pink Bennies with my Xannies. An Arizona center, (which Delilah emphasized was not a rehab facility), helped her kick her dependence on Xanax but didn’t aid her mental health struggles. 3 mg’s of Xanax a day got her hooked? *insert side eye here ___. “I’m having seizures left and right,” she continued. “My health is getting scary. … Unfortunately, I think I was a medical risk, so I was politely asked to leave after three weeks of being there and making a best friend.”.


During the rambling clip, Delilah then said she was currently dealing with Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS), Epstein-Barr virus and Encephalitis (say that three times fast). Delilah also revealed that she has been in contact with her mother’s former costar and nemesis, Yolanda Hadid, who has been vocal about her “churney weze Lyme disease”, thanking her for her advice. “Mentally I am not great, today,” Delilah added. “I’m feeling hopeless since the last place I went to didn’t really work out. I can look perfectly fine and feel perfectly horrible. That’s just that. That’s something I struggle with mentally, is feeling believed.”.


On a personal note, I don’t doubt Delilah had a (mild) reaction to mixing all these drugs up, but everything about this kid screams Hypochondria 101. I’m not surprised she sought the advice from Yolanda. I also think that the fruit (cake) doesn’t fall from the tree; that the Hamlin girls were raised in a home where a pill is the answer for everything. I can remember a time in my life growing up when my mom used to call me a “pill popper”, meaning I was always bitchin’ and moaning about some kind of ache or pain. Looking back, she was right, and now that I HAVE to be on a virtual pharmacy of meds, I hate it. Funny how life works. To end on a positive note, have I mentioned how much I love these girl's names?  So cute!